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Directors' Profile

Mr. Ling Chi Hoong

Independent & Non-Executive Director

Malaysian, Male, 40

Mr. Ling Chi Hoong (“Mr. Ling”) was appointed to our Board on 6 April 2021 and is the Chairman of both the Remuneration Committee and Nomination Committee as well as the Member of Audit and Risk Management Committee.

Mr. Ling graduated from International Islamic University with Bachelor of Law in 2007. He is a partner in a legal 500 law firm, specialises in areas of capital market and corporate commercial. Mr. Ling was previously Head of Legal & Corporate Affairs for various companies listed in Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (“Bursa Securities”) and Singapore Exchange. Prior to that, he held position of Head of Group Legal in a Bursa Securities listed oil & gas conglomerate. He was also previously attached to an American Fortune 500 largest energy multi-national companies in their legal & contract department handling Asia Pacific contracts and compliance matters.

Mr. Ling presently sits on the Board of Vizione Holdings Berhad, Jadi Imaging Holdings Berhad, JCCW Trustee (M) Berhad, Arkwood Trustee (M) Berhad and Blackstone Trustee Berhad.

Meet the Directors

Independent Non-Executive Chairman

Executive Director

Executive Director

Non-Independent & Non-Executive Director

Independent Non-Executive Director

Independent & Non-Executive Director

Independent & Non-Executive Director

Independent & Non-Executive Director