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Directors' Profile

Datuk Chong Loong Men

Executive Director

Malaysian, Male, 43

Datuk Chong Loong Men (“Datuk Chong”) was appointed to our Board on 14 October 2020 as Independent NonExecutive Director and had on 22 March 2021 redesignated to Non-Independent Non-Executive Director of the Company. Subsequently, Datuk Chong had on 23 April 2021  redesignated to Executive Director of the Company.

Datuk Chong graduated from the University of London (external) with a Bachelor in Law (LLB). In addition, he possessed a certificate of legal practice and a higher diploma in Quantity Surveying.

Datuk Chong started his career with the Attorney General’s Chambers as a Deputy Public Prosecutor before joining the Enforcement Division of the Securities Commission Malaysia in 2007. He started his private practice as a lawyer in 2011 with Messrs Lim, Chong, Phang & Amy, Advocates & Solicitors, a legal firm that he co-founded. Subsequently, he had also co-founded Messrs Chong + Kheng Hoe. He was a partner of Messrs Chong + Kheng Hoe until he took a sabbatical leave from legal practice since 30 July 2022. 

Datuk Chong currently sits on the Board of Vizione Holdings Berhad, Parlo Berhad, Bioalpha Holdings Berhad and several private limited companies.

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Independent Non-Executive Chairman

Executive Director

Executive Director

Non-Independent & Non-Executive Director

Independent Non-Executive Director

Independent & Non-Executive Director

Independent & Non-Executive Director

Independent & Non-Executive Director